随着大数据、物联网等技术的发展,各行各业都在智能化。防雷亦不例外。智能防雷已不再是概念。特别是雷电防护作为各行各业重要的安全管理措施之一,也需要随着电网智能化、建筑智能化、安防智能化等的要求,实现智能化防雷。钧和电子认为,智能防雷已成为防雷行业发展的必然趋势。 With the development of big data, Internet of things and other technologies, all walks of life are becoming intelligent. Lightning protection is no exception. Intelligent lightning protection is no longer a concept. Especially, lightning protection is one of the important safety management measures in all walks of life. It is necessary to realize intelligent lightning protection with the requirements of intelligent power grid, intelligent building and intelligent security. Jun and electronics believe that intelligent lightning protection has become an inevitable trend of the development of the lightning protection industry.